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Dallas, Texas
Supporting Biographies of Nineteenth-Century Publishers and Writers
Greenspan's biography of William Wells Brown brought the nineteenth century's most prolific African American writer to the attention of the public.  Image courtesy of W. W. Norton & Company.
Greenspan’s biography of William Wells Brown brought the nineteenth century’s most prolific African American writer to the attention of the public. Image courtesy of W. W. Norton & Company.

Throughout Ezra Greenspan’s career, the National Endowment for the Humanities has supported his work on groundbreaking biographies that have brought new perspectives and voices to college and high school classrooms. From his first book on George Palmer Putnam, to his recent biography of William Wells Brown, to his current project, a biography of Frederick Douglass’s family, NEH funding has helped Greenspan illuminate the lives of historical figures and the histories of books and publishing for a broad audience.

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