NEH for All
An initiative of the National Humanities Alliance, NEH for All documents the impact of National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) funding across the U.S. On this site, you can access information about the NEH’s national impacts, the geographic reach of NEH programs and initiatives, and individual profiles that highlight how NEH funding affects local communities. You can download resources aimed at helping you communicate the impact of NEH funding as well as document and communicate the impact of your own humanities work.
NEH for All is supported by funding from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
About the NHA/NHA Foundation
The National Humanities Alliance (NHA) is a nationwide coalition of organizations advocating for the humanities on campuses, in communities, and on Capitol Hill. Founded in 1981, NHA is supported by over 200 member organizations, including: colleges, universities, libraries, museums, cultural organizations, state humanities councils, and scholarly, professional, and higher education associations. It is the only organization that brings together the U.S. humanities community as a whole.
The NHA is a 501(c)(4) non-profit association and is strictly nonpartisan. The National Humanities Alliance Foundation is the 501(c)(3) supporting foundation of the National Humanities Alliance. It works to research and communicate the value of the humanities to a range of audiences including elected officials and the general public.
For more information about this project contact Cecily Erin Hill at chill@nhalliance.org.